In for a Penny, In for a Pound

Salut, So, I think that’s how the phrase goes? In for a penny, in for a pound? I’ve been trying to teach my counterpart acronyms and idiomatic expressions. She said the only one she knows is FB for Facebook haha. We’ve reached the end of the first quarter of school (technically, it’s this week, but I have a lot to cover in this blog post so sorry). So, two major things happened this week. Firstly, the Peace Corps has descended into Jalal Abad these last two weeks. Saltanat eje, I forget her official title, but she’s the one in charge of managing the English teaching we do, she’s the liaison between the schools and the ministry and PC and us volunteers. She’s been traveling across the country for the last several weeks, and last week, it was our turn. Again, because there’s another volunteer in my village, it made the schedule wonky. Saltanat came to my village on a Tuesday, where I have classes in the afternoon, for a meeting with my counterpart and director. I wasn’t sure w...