There and Back Again

Salut, So for whatever reason, I’ve decided to reread the Harry Potter books, which I’ve read over fifty times, and going to Almaty donned in my Slytherin green and silver scarf added to the appeal. While in Almaty, I also completed my card collection, and I now have a deck of cards for each Hogwarts House! Happy New Year! The last week of December was full of lots of nothing and a mix of plans and schedules. Classes were tests and review and last minute cleaning. I had my students also make snowflakes! The school had large public celebrations for New Year, though it’s eerily similar to Christmas with the decorated Christmas tree, reindeer, and Santa Claus imagery. The snow is fully gone, which is a huge shame. It briefly briefly snowed right before I went on vacation, and I’m hoping it snows again soon. Before I left, we had a large celebration in the city and threw back some cognac which was alright and danced too many hours into the night. I arrived in Bishkek on December 31...