Holiday Galore!

Salut, Somehow February is already basically over, and by my next post, it will be entirely over. My last post was relatively short mostly because a lot wasn’t happening. The last two weeks have been insanely busy and eventful, starting with Chinese Zodiacs and ending with classic French dances and a Coco film reference. Read on. My host dad and brother have been trying to sell their black car. To my knowledge, they still haven’t sold it yet, and they for the last two weeks have been going in and out of the city to do miscellaneous work of sorts. Merder, my host brother, replaced Daniel, my host nephew (but I call him my brother because everyone is a host brother/sister), and the vibes of the house have been the same. The weather has been pleasant. The snow finally disappeared and it started to warm (we even had a high of 61 one day). I quickly became accustomed to permanently cold weather (every day it’s usually around 29-40 degrees, and I’m used to that by now),...