
Showing posts from June, 2024

There and Back Again, Part Two

Salut, The beginning of summer felt like it came early, as the blendings between spring and summer felt blurry. University ended in early May, but my classes didn’t end until the end of the month, so it felt like a haze almost, my friends back home graduating, while I remained at work. I have already hashed out the end-of-the-year bell ceremony and whatnot.  That last weekend of May, I spent most of the time packing for my first summer vacation. After the previous bell ceremony, myself and the teachers ate at a cafe. But the next day, we all went to Jalal Abad city for a bigger toi celebration, which was hosted by the alumni I mentioned in my last post.  The next day, the morning I was going to leave, I spoke to my host father, and he was quite frank with me about the money situation here. He has lots of money to build a new house (the construction workers are finally gone by the way !) which he gets from Russia , but he lamented the societal pressures to spend money on celebrations,