Jumping Out the Window

Salut, Yes, I did literally jump out a window, but I’ll get to that later. In the middle two weeks of June, I conducted my English summer camp. It ran 4 days a week, from 10 am-noon at my school. I hung a large poster in the hallway advertising it, and Baktygul sent a picture of the schedule to the school teachers to in turn send to students in WhatsApp groups. Little did I know that I would be getting a lot more students than I had anticipated. One student asked if they could bring their friend from Frank’s old school three blocks down the road, and I said yes, assuming it would just be a 4th grader and their one friend. Come Monday, my first day, 40 students flooded my classroom, ⅓ coming from the bigger school. My club skewed younger, which I had thought about but didn’t expect. Older students have more commitments at home, and less motivation to study and practice English. 9th and 11th grade were preparing for exams anyway. My students were mostly 3-7th grade students, with ev...