In the Heart of Naryn

Salut, I finally was able to come back to my site after being locked in Bishkek for days because of medical leave. My health was perfectly fine ; it was mostly logistical. Because of dirt roads and possible mudslides, our safety security manager said I could only return to site via plane, which was scarce the first week of July for some reason. As such, I wouldn’t use the word “withering”, but yes I was withering away in a hotel room for the first week of July. I made the irresponsible decision to eat Indian food and Mexican food while on tons of new medication, meaning I became incredibly exhausted and threw up the food. The act of eating it was worth it! I have a tendency to make less than practical decisions, but it always leads to interesting stories. Another PCV, Michaela, said during training that her mentality was just to embrace the fact that even if things go sideways, it will always result in a fun or interesting story. Buckle up, because I have plenty of those this time ar...