When the Night Changes

Salut, The last three weeks have felt very disjointed. As opposed to my previous blog post which had a semblance of cohesiveness, and as such it might seep into the writing. There’s something morbidly fitting about this post being both about life and death, happy events and sad events. Balance always. Fall feels like a time for deep introspection before the holiday season brings endless Christmas music. I have gotten the song Night Changes stuck in my head. That and Story of My Life have always been my two favorite One Direction songs. Unfortunately, I never was a huge 1D fan, mostly because my younger sister was enough of a fan for both of us, constantly blasting their music during middle and high school. Rather than seeing them as big pop heartthrobs, I choose to remember their two best songs, the ones that remind me of 7 Years by Lukas Graham , the ones that contemplate the passage of time and the meaning of life. Such moving songs are between their more popular Ste...