A Summer in Bishkek

Salut! Yay…. summer is finally here in Kyrgyzstan… :/. So not a slay. It’s daily here 90-95 degrees or up, sometimes 100, and no AC. Being able to go to Bishkek has been a dream, and the city is indeed fun. I’ve been three times, and a blend of so much, truly, and bigger than I originally thought. I spotted a Hogwarts Cafe (haven’t gone in yet), and we found a Sierra Cafe, a coffee shop with deep Peace Corps roots, so I’ve been told. Peace Corps volunteers have been going to the cafe for decades, and a member of its corporate board is a former Kyrgyz PCV who has stayed in Bishkek for a long time (I think he was in K-15 or something- the K-# refers to what number cohort you are of the PC time in Kyrgyzstan, I am K-29, ie the 29th cohort or 29th year of PC in Kyrgyzstan, last years’ is K-28). They often say in Peace Corps that you’re part of something big, and that when you leave, you may create something or continue something you never get to see. What is a legacy? As Hamilton says...